I'm pleased to bring you our second "An Easy 10 with..." Frank will be running his fifth full Marathon this weekend at the St. George Marathon in Utah, let's all wish him luck. I suppose this easy 10 may be a taper for him. :)
Name: Frank TingleyLocation: Hayward, CA
Race History:
Half Marathon: San Jose '08 (PR 2:09)
Full Marathon: Las Vegas '07, San Francisco '08 (PR 4:39), CIM '08, Seattle '09
Next up: St. George Marathon, Utah 10/3/09
After that: There is a big world out there to be explored. I'll be up for the next big race.
I started running... in high school. I took it up again at the age of 59. I started my first two trainings with the National AIDS Marathon Training Program which is a great program. I am now training with some runners I met in the program. I am in best the best shape of my life and there is no stopping me now. 62 and proud!
When I'm not running... I work with my brother in a family business. I am the the main caregiver for my mom who is 88. She has been such an inspiration in my life. I maintain my home and garden, cook up some great meals, share good times with family and friends, and work on my self so I may become the best version of myself.

One time when I was on a long run... one mile from the finish line of a marathon I locked eyes with an older woman who was having a hard time running the last challenging hill as was I. We struck up a conversation and shared our running experiences which made the hill much easier. When we got to the top we picked up speed and she suggested we sprint in and pass as may runners as possible. We did exactly that. We gave each other the boost of energy we both needed to finish strong. Her name was Carmen and she was from DC. I will never forget her. People in the running world are simply the best!
I choose to run without... judgment.
The question I am asked most about running is... how do you keep going. I have been called The Energizer Bunny.

After an event or tough run I... hang out with friends, share great food, go home or to my hotel room and put on my big old sweats and chill out.
Running is... life. Running is meditation for me.
When I'm on the road I... tune into the energy of the landscape, share my thoughts with my co-runners, observe the other runners, walkers, cyclers, and pets. It is also a time to clear my head and focus on what is really important in life.
I wish other runners would... look straight ahead and observe what is coming up as opposed to looking on the ground. On small trails keep it in a 2 x 2 formation. A little smile and wave would be great. Most all runners I encounter are pretty good about everything.

If I could run 3-miles with someone famous, it would be... Sting. He is in great shape, has a great voice, and a true person of the world. A not so famous person but my hero would be my older brother Steve who was high school and junior college champion runner. At 55 he decided to get back into running again and was trying to qualify for Boston. He had a massive heart attack on a heavy training day. His dream came to end. The doctors told told him no more running so he took up golf. He was a natural runner and me not so much. He was really inspired when I decided to start training for marathons. My dream and his dream is for me to qualify for Boston. The future is bright.
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Thank you Frank. We all wish you luck in Utah and appreciate you sharing an easy 10 with us. Run Strong.
If you'd like to be a part of "An Easy 10 with..." please email me at pavementrunner@gmail.com.
I've known Frank since grammar school. His inspirations keep me young at heart! Sharing the blog with my FB friends. Best wishes for a great race in Utah!!!
Frank is my cousin and we have been close all of our lives. He is like the brother I never had. I feel like I spent more time at his house than at mine. I am so proud of him doing these marathons. He has always been a bright light to me and everyone who knows him. On to Boston!!!!
Miss brother Frank (1947-2018).
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