
Thursday: Support and a Pleasant Surprise

I can't go marathon week without giving praise to my biggest supporter.
The wifey.

She has been there since the craziness to finish a marathon started and stood by me as I continued to run almost 2 years later. During that time she has woken up super early on every race day (minus a single 10k this year... shhhh). That's right, she has been out there to support me for 2 full marathons and 4 half marathons.

Prior to each race we'll look at the course map and figure out mile points where we can meet. It's always a great energy boost when I see her and deep down inside, I think she likes to see me too. On full marathons she'll also carry some extra supplies for me, which is always a life saver. I run with a runner's belt that holds water, energy gels, pretzels (for the salt), etc. But often time I may need more of a particular thing. If it starts off as a cold morning then turns to a hot day, I may need more salt or energy drinks — so when I see her I can re-stock for the upcoming miles. So, on Sunday, she'll be out there at 5:30 in the morning, standing on the sidelines cheering me on with her cowbell in hand. Thanks love.

A pleasant surprise: I had the chance to help out a friend and superb blogger recently. She asked for some help in developing a new logo for her LOST blog. Being a LOST fanatic, fan of her blog and frequent commenter, I was more than happy. And here is the pleasant surprise: Thursday I received a very nice thank you card along with a generous iTunes gift card. You know what that means... more songs for the iPod. Pre-run I plan to purchase a some new songs that will be great additions to the marathon play list. Kudos to you my friend and thank you. 

She also has a pop culture blog — which is awesome — and I'm hoping there will be some in-depth info about the great anticipation surrounding the masterpiece graphic novel being turned into what looks to be a remarkable movie:  The Watchmen

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