
US Half Marathon - Completed

It looks like my final event for 2008 was a success. The US Half on Sunday in San Francisco turned out to be a wonderful race and as my last registered event for the year, I'm glad to say that it was a good note to end the year on.

Did I post a PR? No. Did I get to run in costume? No. Did I find a million dollar bill on the Golden Gate Bridge and change the event to the Pavement Runner Half? No. - But with all those things not happening I still had a great time. I had originally planned to run in costume, but the potential of rain meant I wasn't going to be able to. So I wore normal running clothes and am saving the costume unveiling for a future event.

As for my time, I had always viewed this as a training run, a very slow training run. With me still recovering from some bad IT band issues a month ago, there was no way I was going to come close to my sub 2 hour PR, I was going to be happy coming in under 3 hours, which I did (2:43). Some fellow friends smashed on the course put up wonderful times and many had amazing PRs. The course was full of hills, up and down, and since I didn't want to agitate any IT band issues, it meant walking every single one of them, up and down. I hadn't expected so many, but it turned out to be a nice break and allowed me to stop and enjoy the SF scenery during a run. There was a slight sprinkle for about 20 mins, but overall, the weather was  cooperative and ended up being great running weather. With the rain clouds slowly moving, a beautiful rainbow hit the Golden Gate perfectly and I don't doubt that everyone that ran, thought it was one of the highlights of the days event.

Congratulations to everyone that had a wonderful weekend. There were lots of races this weekend including the NYC Marathon, won by running icon Paula Radcliffe. Also, through the blog's Facebook page, a lot of people were sharing their weekend times, so kudos to everyone who got out and put some miles on their shoes.

Like we did a couple months ago, if you ran this weekend in an event or just a training run, post it in the comments section (distance and city where you ran) and I'll send you a code for a complimentary John Legend (song: Green Light feat: Andre 3000) download through iTunes courtesy of Starbucks. It's that easy.

(Limit to first 20 (never hit that number, ha) and if I don't have your email, email me and I'll send you the code: pavementrunner@gmail.com )


  1. Wow, thanks!
    US Half Marathon - Nov. 2, 2008
    Time: 2:08:41
    I'll send you my email.
    Congrats again to you!!

  2. Ran a 5K in Philadelphia - just under 30 minutes, a PR for me!

    Michele Juliana

  3. Congrats on your run - sometimes it is great to do a race without a PR, finding large amounts of cash or doing so in costume. Every run has its own place in our running histories. :)

    Didn't run last weekend (unless you count the 10 minutes on my treadmill to remind my lungs that they can do more than cough up phlegm). Looking forward to getting back in the swing of running to knock out a fun 5K on the 15th, though. :)
