
Big Sur in 2009

"If we were told that we could run only one marathon in our lifetime, Big Sur would have to be it."

Bart Yasso, Runner's World

The date has been set for April 26, 2009 and this week, I will be registering for the 24th Presentation of the Big Sur International Marathon. As of right now it is at 42% capacity and is expected to sell out (as it does every year).

The Big Sur course is heralded as one of the nicest/sceneic courses in the world, just ask their web site:

“Spectacular, rewarding, mystical and unforgettable” are just a few of the words that have been used to describe our events. Finishing a marathon is a life-changing experience…finishing Big Sur will enrich your soul. Please join us the last Sunday in April for a run along the ragged edge of the Western World.

1 comment:

  1. And you said you wouldn't run a marathon! Never say never! :)

    I have heard amazing things about Big Sur - and I believe they started the Just Run program for kids, so they get my kudos!

    Happy running!
