
Review: We Are Girls Who Love To Run

When I started my blog, one of the early followers was a fellow blogger named Brianna K. Grant. (balancedsteps.blogspot.com) Shortly after, I began to follow her blog and was entertained with stories of her path as an accomplished writer, runner and mother. When she asked, I was more than happy to read and review her award winning Children's Book:

We Are Girls Who Love To Run
Somos Chicas y A Nosotras Nos Encanta Correr

Written by Brianna K. Grant
Illustrated by Nicolas A. Wright

The first thought, based on the title, may be that the book covers the steps of young runners. Although that may be partially true, it wouldn't do justice to the entire book. Brianna covers a wide spectrum of experiences of several young girls who are bonded not only by their love of running, but share a strong confidence in their daily lives. From staying healthy, to chores, to a friend moving; Brianna is able to start off each page with an "I am..." empowering statement that exudes personal strength not only from the girls in the story, but for the reader. She then expands on that initial statement with child-hood familiarity which will allow the young girl reading it to be drawn in or to reach the inner feelings of the adult reading it to the child.

Not only is We Are Girls Who Love To Run a bilingual book with a full Spanish translation inside, it is beautifully written and chalk full of moments that a child can relate to or experience for the first time along with instill confidence in their daily lives. If you would like to learn more or purchase a copy, please visit the link below:


Being a bilingual book, I felt it would be only proper to include the review in Spanish. Please enjoy:

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Cuando commencé mi blog, una de mis seguidoras fue una chica del mismo tipo llamada Brianna K. Grant. (balancedsteps.blogspot.com) Dentro de poco tiempo commencé a seguir el blog de ella y me entretuvoe con su historia de camino como escritor, corredor y madre. Estuve encantado cuando me pidio que leyera y revisara su aclamado libro de niños:

We Are Girls Who Love To Run
Somos Chicas y A Nosotras Nos Encanta Correr

Escrita por Brianna K. Grant
Ilustrada por Nicolas A. Wright

El primer pensamiento basado en el título, puede ser que el libro cubre los pasos de corredores jovenes. Aunque pueda ser parcialmente verdadero, esto no haria justicia al libro. Brianna cubre un espectro muy amplio de varias muchachas jovenes que estan unidas no solo por su amor de correr, pero comparten una confianza fuerte en sus vidas diarias. De quedarse sanas, a tareas, a una amistad que cambia. Brianna es capaz de comenzar cada paginá con “Soy” la cual exude una fuerza personal no sólo para las muchachas en la historia pero para el lector. Ella entonce amplía aquella declaración inicial con una familiaridad de juventud la cual permitirá que la joven que lee esto alcance los sentimientos del adulto que lee esto al niño. 

No solo es Somos Chicas y A Nosotras Nos Encanta Correr un libro bilingüe con traducción en español, pero esta llena de escrituras maravillosas y momentos con los cuales un niño puede experimentar y por primera vez infundir confianza en su vida diaria. Si a usted le gustaria aprender más o comprar una copia, visite el eslabón abajo:


  1. I have seen this book before and would love to read it. As a mom (boy and a girl) who runs.. I love the message! I also read your post on hills prior to this which I especially enjoyed because i LOATHE hills and must face them down! I will keep reading!

  2. It was very nice and thoughtful of you to write your review of the book in english and spanish. Felicidades!
