

I guess this is one of those moments where you find out how committed you really are to running.

I won't be able to do a long run this weekend, so I am considering running 17-20 before work tomorrow morning. That means around a 3am start time to allow for proper stretching (before and after) followed by an 8 hour work day. With a 50k a little over a week away, this will most likely be my last major warm up.

A 17-20 mile run is a taper for a 31 mile run, right?

1 comment:

  1. ok, you just totally crushed me... i thought *i* was committed cos i was planning to wake up at 5:30 tomorrow to run 7km before i start a rather busy (and full of deadlines) day.

    I surrender... I am just not worthy :) lol

    Enjoy the run!
