
>1 Run Club

I began my marathon training over three years with The San Francisco AIDS Foundation training to finish my first marathon in Florence, Italy (quite a destination to start with) and have never stopped. So it is with great pleasure that I welcome a friend of mine, Cal, to share in the next evolution of the Foundation:

>1, the endurance program of the San Francisco AIDS Foundation, is excited to be launching our >1 Run Club in 2010. All members also have the option to fund raise anytime in order to help the San Francisco AIDS Foundation prevent new HIV infections. There is no fundraising minimum and yearly membership is only $35.

In addition to the weekly 3-5 mile group runs we’ve been doing, soon you will also have the option to participate in longer runs which build each week leading to the events below. Each of you can choose to run in none, one, two or all of the 2010 events ... or choose your own. In addition, you’ll have access to a full training plan in your Participant Center. Here are the events for which you’ll be race-ready if you decide on the longer runs.

2010 Events:

ING Bay to Breakers — May 16, 2010

San Francisco Marathon and Half Marathon — July 25th, 2010

Wine Country Marathon and Half Marathon — October 30, 2010

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Thanks Cal. I'll be keeping you up to date with several announcements and inspirational stories from Greater Than One. If you have any questions, be sure to visit their official run club page in the events section — you can also help the cause by donating on behalf of a participant. If you would like to share your current (or past experiences) with Greater than One or the SF Aids Foundation, we'd love to hear it in the comments below.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the shout-out, PR! Hope to see you out running soon. Cal
