
An Easy 10 with Dana Casanave

I'm pleased to bring back a favorite of this blog... "An Easy 10 with..." It's a series of 10 fill-in-the-blank type questions, so that we can get to know our fellow runners and Facebook friends just a little bit better. I'd like to introduce Dana Casanave. She is currently running 52 marathons in 52 weeks (52beginnings) to help raise funds for the charity 25:40 — helping save South Africa's AIDS orphans. Her continuing story is amazing, and I'm pleased to bring back this segment with a wonderful human being. She is also interviewed this week on Pure Fit Radio and has an amazing story to tell. I highly recommend giving it a listen to learn more about her journey and the charity. With a marathon every weekend, this should really be an "easy 10"... Ladies and gentlemen, Dana Casanave:

Name: Dana Casanave
Location: Leesburg, VA
Race History
10k: Never run anything shorter than a half marathon
Half Marathon: 16 (PR 1:47:35)
Full Marathon: 36 (PR 4:02:06)

I started running... on accident. I honestly had no intentions to ever become a runner. I simply wanted to get in shape and lose weight. Starting out I was obese and couldn't have run half a mile to save my life. I had a treadmill that I used that for the cardio portions of my workouts, but quite frankly I hated every minute on it. It took me many months, and many pounds lost before I began to find it enjoyable. After crossing the finish line of my first race, a half marathon, I truly felt like I could call myself a runner. I enjoyed pushing myself for that accomplishment and I was hooked.

When I'm not running, I... don't know what to do with myself! No really, I have a lot of interests, including photography, cooking, and writing. More than anything I try to spend time with my family. I have three children and between working, caring for them and my extreme running challenge this year, free time is almost non existent.

One time when I was on a long run... I came across a bear. I was running up in the Shenandoah National Park, along the side of the road on Skyline Drive and the bear was in the woods, not more than 20 feet away. I had seen bears before during runs in the Park, but they had always run off. This one didn't budge. He was a huge black bear, probably close to 300 pounds and he just sat and watched me. It was a moment I won't ever forget. At the moment I came across him I had slowed down for a walk break, and I immediately took off again, probably not the smartest idea, but thankfully he didn't decide to follow me.

I choose to run without... limits. I have learned to trust my body, and push myself to meet the goals I set. Quitting is never an option. You can't quit life.

The question I am asked most about running is... "How are you able to run like you do with having kids, work and everything?" Running is my passion and it's made such a positive effect on my life. I can honestly say it has made me a much healthier woman, stronger mother, and more determined employee. Trying to balance everything can be very challenging, but worth the effort and work.

After an event or tough run, I... love to chill out and enjoy the moment. I love pizza and a cold beer after running a marathon, but unfortunately I usually have to rush off for the airport or for my drive back home. I really treasure those times when I can just relax and hang out with friends.

Running is... living life. Running involves your entire being and challenges you on many different levels. It's about taking in the world around you and being in the moment.

When I'm on the road... nothing else matters. For that moment in time I can leave my stresses, my to-do lists, anything and everything. It's a time when I can get lost in my own thoughts and decompress.

I wish other runners would... join me my journey this year! I would love to have people join me at the start line for these marathons. It's so encouraging running with friends.

If I could run 3-miles with someone famous, it would be... Bill Gates. I'd probably run my slowest 3 miles ever just so I could have more time to talk with him!

Here's my website and link info:
www.2540.org — my charity website page
Twitter: 52beginnings
Facebook: Dana Casanave and I have a fan-page for 52beginnings

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Thank you Dana. Continue running (and recovering) strong. You are truly an inspiration.

If you'd like to be a part of "An Easy 10 with..." please email me at pavementrunner@gmail.com.

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