
Dear Seattle,

I'm going to be honest, after running 5 marathons (2 being ultras) in the last 6 months, I have suffered a small burnout. It tends to happen and I may have let it get the best of me. But I had already committed to you and am really looking forward to seeing all that you have to offer.

Am I feeling under prepared? I suppose so. I'm not too concerned about being able to finish, but what the finish line clock will say. I'd love to cruise in around 4:30, and although it wouldn't be a PR, I'd be comfortable with it. The month of May and most of June were unmotivated months and I don't want you to take that to heart. Since December I have been participating in a number of races, ultras, relays and I felt like I needed a break. It was only meant to last the month of May, but sadly it carried unto June which was supposed to be "your" time.

But I'm not making any excuses, Seattle, you deserve better than that. I'm committed to giving it my all across your wonderful 26.2 miles and I won't hold naming Tonic as the post race concert headliner against you. With such a rich music history, I won't blame you for such a lame selection. (I digress)

Your race looks like it's going to be quite an event. Travel plans are set and connections are being made with friends. Please be gentle on me and everyone participating. This will be my second of three Rock n Roll events this year and it being Seattle, I look forward to rockin' all up and down your course.

I'll see you in less than a week.

1 comment:

  1. See you in Seattle!!! We will be at the expo around 10 am Friday. Look for blondie in a hot running skirt.
