
An Easy 10 with Rebecca McKee

I'm pleased to bring back another edition of "An Easy 10 with..." I was hoping our latest interviewee would participate, simply based on her location. Add in some great stories, a lynx and a passion for running and coaching and you get a wonderful interview. Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to introduce one of Alaska's greats: Rebecca McKee.

Name: Rebecca McKee
Anchorage, Alaska
Race History: I started running 11 years ago when I wanted to run a local mountain race called Mt. Marathon (it’s the 3rd oldest race in the nation, and it’s not a marathon at all, it’s a 3 mile round trip, 3,022 ft mountain race!)
Half Marathon: I have run many ½ marathons, but most of them are in triathlons. My best time was at the Las Vegas Half around a 1:40ish
Triathlon: I have done so many I don’t think I could count! I do know that I have completed 9 70.3’s, and I have raced in many Xterra’s including the National and World Championships.

I started running... with a PASSION for running in 1999! I was at a race in Seward, Alaska called Mt. Marathon and hours after the event was over, hours after the finish line had been removed and people were just milling around a woman came down the street running. She stopped and asked me “do you know where the finish line was?” I pointed and she thanked me and continued to run. I was overcome with emotion and started walking along with her cheering her on, many other people stopped and cheered her along the way as well. When she crossed the “finish line” people had come out from businesses all over the street to cheer her on. It truly touched me and I thought to myself... I want to be a runner!

When I'm not running, I... might be swimming or biking... but when not doing those things, I’m working. I own a science based coaching center called Peak Center Alaska, LLC. I coach many types of athletes and I love owning Peak, it is a very fulfilling job!

One time when I was on a long run... a lynx walked out of the bushes right onto the road I was running on. When I first saw it I thought it was a small dog. As I started to run up on it I realized it was a lynx and was just in awe of how beautiful it was. I stood there for a very long time wondering what it might do. It actually sat and stared at me. After almost 15 minutes a car came around the corner and scared it off back into the bushes. All I could think the rest of the run was… If I wasn’t out running, if I wasn’t a runner… I would have never experienced that!

I choose to run without... worry. When I run, I let my mind and my soul enjoy the rhythm of my feet, the sound of my breathing, the feeling that nothing else in the world but running offers... total freedom!

The question I am asked most about running is... How do you train in Alaska over the winter!

After an event or tough run, I... love to have a yummy piece of white cake!

Running is... an amazing adventure powered by only your will to continue!

When I'm on the road... I love to see other people out enjoying the sport, it’s very motivating to me.

I wish other runners would... not be so into their iPod/music that they can’t acknowledge others.

If I could run 3-miles with someone famous, it would be... ahhh... such an easy one for me to answer, and perhaps the timing is perfect as well, but I would love to run 3 miles with Lance Armstrong!

* * * *

Thank you Rebecca. I love hearing about your stories via facebook and hopefully one day we get an opportunity to run together (in Alaska?) in the future. Or should I say "start together" since you would speed away and leave me in the snow. Keep running strong my friend.

Feel free to leave a comment for Rebecca or share a similar experience.

If you'd like to be a part of "An Easy 10 with..." please email me at pavementrunner@gmail.com.

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