
Dear Yoga,

Dear Yoga,

It's me, your old friend... hopefully you didn't forget about me. We used to be so close and over time started to drift. We used to enjoy each other’s company early in the mornings. I’d show up sleepy and tired, but by the end of it, I’d be revitalized and ready to start the day with some much needed pep in my step. On Sunday you’d help me stretch and workout any soreness generated from the previous day’s long run. Those were some good times with me and you.

I’m hoping that not too much time has passed and we can downward dog right into a smooth routine. I may not be the person I was last year, but over time, I’m sure I can get back into my groove and Vinyasa with the best of them. Heck, pretty soon my posture will be better, my center of balance more... ummm... centered and perhaps a new outlook on daily tasks. I’ll be breathing better, which is always a plus in my book and be more flexible. Yep, that will be me: a centered-flexible-breathing-runner that stands up straight.


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