
Rock'in Motivation - My Next Race

Runners can get motivation or inspiration from a number of places. It could be the random person that runs by as you stand in line for your morning coffee leading you to think "I'd rather be doing that." As of late, I've been getting my motivation from races. It's a common practice among runners, we simply need something to train for. Put a race on that calendar and you have a locked-in goal: "I need to be race-ready by THAT date."

For me, "THAT" date wasn't until Nov. 6 when I'll be running the US Half. But then I saw a tweet from @DiaryAvgRunner holding a give-away for an entry into the Rock n Roll San Jose Half. I flat out love that race. I signed up for my first RNRSJ in 07 and continued to do so for the past 4 years.

Last year, I decided I was going to take a break from repeating races. RNRSJ fell subject to this race revelation, but when I saw the contest, I couldn't resist. I threw my name in the hat knowing I was pretty close to race ready having run a half 2 weeks ago.

Fate. Destiny. This Awesome Blog! Whatever you want to call it, I won and will be running the RNRSJ for the 5th year in a row. Race day is less than 2 weeks away so I'll tune up my legs... get it? Rock n Roll... Tune Up... your welcome.... with a couple 10 milers and attempt to finish what I couldn't in Davis, a sub 2-hour finish.

Over the next few days I'll be diving into the archives and sharing some of my past RNRSJ memories, photos and of course, revamping my playlist in preparation for the 2011 race.

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  1. What a great giveaway!! It was definitely meant to be. Have fun and good luck!

  2. The only thing cool about my blog is that you wont the giveaway. :)
