
Nominations for #RunChat Blog Awards

If you are a runner and on twitter, you may have seen the hashtag: #RunChat

If you've seen it, it's probably because it fills up your twitter feed on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month. It's "a way for runners of all levels to connect with each other, to share tips, to get advice and, quite simply, to have fun."

Exciting news, they have blog awards. Not so exciting news, nominations end Monday at 8 p.m. ET.

All it takes is a single e-mail and you can nominate:
  • Best overall running blog
  • Best new running blog (must have began the blog in 2011)
  • Funniest running blog
  • Most inspirational running blog
  • Best #runchat participant on Twitter
To nominate bloggers for the categories, simply send an email to runchat@therunchat.com with “#runchat awards” in the subject line by 8 p.m. ET Jan. 9. Include the nominee’s URL and Twitter handle if you know it. You may leave areas blank, but please fill out at least 3 of the categories.

The above instructions were pulled from here where you can read more in detail.

Oh ya, winners get a badge for their blog and a super cool visor. (AHEM, I look pretty cool in a visor — see below). I appreciate your support and it's not too late to vote for you favorite bloggers. All it takes is one nomination to be considered. (Did I mention, I rock the shit out of a visor?)


  1. Glad I finally made it over here! Ok, the visor DOES look good on you!

    I have done runchat a few times and really enjoyed it. Now I need to put some thought into those nominations!

  2. You do rock the shit out of that visor.
