Good morning everyone. I will be busy this weekend running around, literally. Starting today, I am participating in a 12 person Relay from Calistoga to Santa Cruz. It will be 200 miles over a 30 hour period. I will be responsible for 3 legs of the race and we will have two vans of six runners leap frogging one another.
It is going to be quite an adventure and Van 1 should be starting around 11 am. I'm in Van 2 (the Badlands Van) and we depart at 1:30 p.m. with my first leg around 5 p.m. I will be accessible through Facebook with frequent updates to our progress and would love any comments along the way. After all, I'm going to be awake for a good portion of the time... oh ya, and running a total of 18+ miles post Big Sur. Hopefully my legs have the energy. Party like a Rock Star!
well after Big Sur how was the relay? that's alot of pressure on your already tight calf. good luck