
The Decision (Couldn't resist)

Some might say it was an easy decision. Some might say it was a difficult one. Heck, some may even say I'm making the wrong decision, but none-the-less it is one I am comfortable with.

This must be mentioned as either a qualifier or at least to give some context: runners are stubborn. Sometimes to the point of self-destruction (which is a whole different post altogether).

I have decided to drop down from the San Francisco Marathon next weekend to the Half Marathon. Sorry that it wasn't some of the exciting choices mentioned on facebook from Oreos, to pumps, to giving up Starbucks. But it was one that took me a few days to come to grips with.

I injured my ITB last month at the Seattle RNR and was unable to properly rehab it in time to be 100% confident in it for San Francisco's 26.2 miles. That being said, er written. I'm am not 100% confident in 13.1 miles, but am well aware of what my limitations are and confident I can take it slow enough to not make the injury worse.

I will approach this run as... well, as one not to make my injury any worse. I can't bring myself to not participate. I have never run this race well. In fact, this race is a pain in the side of my ass (literally). So, I will not let it win. I will not let this race be the first time I drop out completely (read self-destruction note above).

I will be continue to rehab back to 100% health in time for New York in November. And you can believe that I will attack that NY course like none other. But first, it will be the SF Half Marathon for me with alot of walking.

Note: I am really comfortable with this decision. It will not make my injury any worse, I won't let it. I dealt with this injury over a year ago and am aware of my limitations.


  1. Agree that runners are stubborn, lol! But sometimes you have to do what is best for your body and not what you "ideally" want to do. I'm running Kaua'i over Labor Day and just dropped from the full to the half. I don't feel I've trained well enough and the course is tough. Best of luck to you, I've heard San Fran is also a hard one.

  2. Do what's best for you and take care of your injury. Get well & Best of luck in NY!
