Note: The name and city of the runner have been changed.
As I was clapping, cheering and exchanging in general chit-chat with friends, I hear the announcers saying the names of people approaching the finish line: "And here comes Rachel Roma from Smallville" as I look over there is a female runner wearing a hat just passing where I was standing. I didn't get a great look, but I happen to know a friend with the same name from that same town. Coincidence? Being that the city of Smallville is less than an hour away, it made me think "maybe it's her." It sort of looked like her, but I didn't get a great look since she was passing me, but maybe it was?
But here is the kicker. The Rachel that I know is pregnant with her second child. The runner didn't look pregnant, but I'm unsure of how far along the Rachel I know is. So I busted out the iPhone4 (nice plug) and sent out a text to Rachel asking if she was running in SF because I just heard her name. After a few minutes I get a text replying that no, that is her sister-in-law by the same name.
But that's not the point, the fact that I thought someone who 1. historically doesn't run, 2. is preggers and 3. was capable of running 26.2 in hilly San Francisco is amazing. Those are three huge obstacles to overcome... but I didn't think twice that it might be her simply based on the name and hometown of a runner.
That is a nod to the amazing "everyday" runners going out there and accomplishing major feats. The stories that some of you share about your experiences on the road caused me to believe that a non-running, pregnant woman was running 26.2 miles up and down hilly San Francisco.
That means I am either losing my mind or we as runners are accomplishing amazing feats everyday turning the impossible into very doable.
Feel free to share an amazing experience you've had on the road or a friend's mind-bending accomplishment here on the blog in the comments below. We continue to inspire and motivate each other... I guess that's why runners are "the cool kids." Cheers.
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