San Francisco is not known for warm temperatures, so when it hit 85 it got me thinking about everyone's summer race schedule.
The heat is upon us (some worse than others) and we are about to enter the month of June in a couple weeks. Graduations are taking place, summer school is around the corner and the baseball season is catching it's stride. All those things point to summer, so here is my tentative summer schedule:
June 7 - Hit the Road Jack 10k
June 20 - Mayor Newsome's Stadium to Stadium 10k
July 26 - San Francisco Marathon
So there is it, what is on tap for you:
So there is it, what is on tap for you:
Racing in cooler climates?
Taking on the heat one mile at a time?
Or focusing on training for a fall race?
Taking on the heat one mile at a time?
Or focusing on training for a fall race?
well funny that i have been planning this schedule for summer myself. unfortunately Athens (Greece) has high temperatures. we usually have three to four heat waves during july with temperatures reaching 107 (and not falling below 90 during the night). august is traditionally cooler with high northerly winds so not so bad for feeling hot but still you have to run early in the day in order to avoid sunstroke. so...
as you can guess my training schedule will be very basic during these three monts. My target is a half marathon in early october.
keep cool, but care
Phoenix is very hot in the summer too, temps stay 90 at night starting in a month or so. It's really hard to train when it's that hot, and we don't really have any races here during the summer except a few 5ks. That being said, I am biting the bullet and going to train through the heat and aim for a fall marathon (Portland Oct 4). It means getting up at 3am sometimes, but having a training partner helps!
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