What do runner's need? Running shirts, of course. As if your closet wasn't full enough with finisher shirts and training shirts, here is another one to add.
I've designed a couple shirts that runners, more specifically, twitter users will enjoy. They use hashtags which are common in twitter-verse.
Definition: The # symbol, called a hashtag, is used to mark keywords or topics in a Tweet. It was created organically by Twitter users as a way to categorize messages.
As runners, we use several hashtags daily on twitter, so why not use one on our shirts? "Runner." It says so much about who we are and what we do. We have our own community and speak our own language. How many times are we introduced using that noun. "This is Brian, he's a runner." Which usually results in a conversation about how crazy we are. Guilty as charged.
So here are my two shirt designs and my store. Click here. It currently just has the 2 shirts in men's and women's sizes, and in black, red and navy with white lettering.
The shirts can be ordered and paid for, but will not be shipped until early December, just in time to arrive at your house for the holidays. Since this is a new venture for me, I'm gauging the feedback for the next month. I anticipate taking orders for 30 days at a time initially and shipping all shirts once a month. More designs to come later. The shirts will be printed by Custom Ink which is the same company I used to print our relay shirts the past two times. They make a great product that lasts and their customer service is second to none.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at pavementrunner@gmail.com
YES! this is a fantastic idea, and JUST IN TIME for the Holidays!!!
i'll be sending a link to this site to several of my family members....
Love it! What a great idea!
Gotta add #RunNerd
THIS! This is amazing. Great idea - and I love the "long distance relationship" shirt... Hello Christmas presents!!
I love love love love my red tee!!! Fits beautifully and is such a cool idea! I have passed you along to a pacing team who may contact you w/ an idea. :))
twitter-based? hash-running! love the idea. Lucky the Nike or Adidas never though of this yet.
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