Originally, I was going to log a long-distance run Friday morning, 17-20 miles, since I wouldn't be able to run Saturday or Sunday. But plans changed and I ended up staying in town for the weekend. That meant I was able to run 10 with my group Saturday morning. A pair of runners were going to start early and log 20-22 miles in preparation for the Berlin Marathon, so a small group of us decided to show up early and provide water support at mile 8. (Support would also be provided around mile 15) It's an amazing thing to know that friends will be out there for you with water, Gatorade, pretzels, etc. Most of us wouldn't be able to do it without each other and when we get a chance to pay it forward, it's worth it.
Back to the Running Gods — I like to think that I wasn't meant to run such a long distance on Friday, so the Running Gods decided to throw lightning bolts at my stomach in the shape of Red Lobster Shrimp. Very nice of them. However, the R.G. wouldn't take away an opportunity without providing another avenue, hence staying in town and running 10 on Saturday. And I believe in the long-run, (pun totally intended) it will be for the best.
Who am I to argue with the higher ups?
Countdown to my first Ultra Marathon: 5 days.
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